Every word is a struggle

Thunder Go Quietly

Trees are the beautiful giants of our world. Every outing I take with Grandpa we go to forested places where trees rule the land. Storms should be the ony thing they fear but it is not so. Trees are in trouble from the houses that are made in their place. This poem is about how trees should fear storms, not us. ... Read more
thunder storm rivers trees Posted on 4 March 2018 0 Comments

Each tree is sacred

The people down the beach are green and black. Yes I can see them but you can’t. They are on every beach. They talk a lot about the weather. They say “it is thunder and rain.” I say “Hello, how are you?” They say “get fucked.” They say “you are going to die.” They are going to take away the sun. They say “the end is near.” What they say is true. ... Read more
riddle trees earth Posted on 23 August 2016 0 Comments

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