Every word is a struggle

Empty Head

This poem deals with the trouble of schools that follow department rules too much. Jokes aside, I am having a horrible time of it at school and wished I could turn back the clock. ... Read more
rules talk reading school Posted on 19 March 2018 0 Comments

Thunder Go Quietly

Trees are the beautiful giants of our world. Every outing I take with Grandpa we go to forested places where trees rule the land. Storms should be the ony thing they fear but it is not so. Trees are in trouble from the houses that are made in their place. This poem is about how trees should fear storms, not us. ... Read more
thunder storm rivers trees Posted on 4 March 2018 0 Comments

Fear and Retreat

The fear I see in others comes from going into retreat from the world. Retreat is a place of wanting nothing to change, only steady rhythms of beating clocks and whirring machines. Nothing in this world is steady so why retreat? ... Read more
classroom english fear doubt Posted on 5 February 2018 0 Comments

Sunday at the Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

The gallery is very exciting for me because I get to talk art with Dad. ​ At each picture Dad asks me what I think and then I make a comment about the picture on the wall. ​ Rearing up in my mind at the gallery is the sense of ethereal wonder at the world when the artist creates the work of art. ​Wonder is the gift artists give to others by dancing with their hands on the canvas. ... Read more
GOMA art commentary Posted on 27 August 2017 0 Comments

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