The Next Vote Counts | Albert Hall

The Next Vote Counts

I don’t see a President in America committed to the Earth.

Look at the way Donald Trump loses. He dismisses the voices of the people he serves. This is not someone who cares for those he serves or the descendants who who will come to live on the planet after him. Under his feet are the young people trying to grow toward the sun. A fat man casts a big shadow over our future harvest. The golf course does not grow food. The hotel does not shelter the homeless.

I want to see a President talk about the Earth. The Earth is the electorate of us all. When people acknowledge the crisis on Earth is not going away then we will have a new way to save the planet.

Young people will never accept the divisions we see now. Looking to the future young people will one day take control. When they take control the decision to save the planet will not exist because the same purpose will unite us.

Quit with voting for old men. It is not a future they will breath.

Presidents politics Posted on 8 November 2020

© Albert Hall 2020