This poem is a quick response to the horror that is the rubbish flowing out to sea. The inspiration for this poem came about during a walk at J.C. Slaughter Falls. I hope it gets you going to make a change for the oceans.
Rubbish is a killer you know
Fuck the oceans you know
Rings of plastic are a killer you know
Drink some more soft drink you know
Rubbish is a killer take it all you know
Take a dunny of shit to sea you know
The shit is poison to fish you know
Get more drunk on cans of piss you know
This is a fucking tragedy you know
Right the wrong now you know
The trouble is you know you know
If you know you know you know
Then you're a fucking accomplice you know
Have a conviction to do more than you know
Because rubbish is a killer to oceans you know

Rubbish is killing the planet