Warrior of the Weak | Albert Hall

Warrior of the Weak

Last week a friend died who fought for me. This poem is all I have to give. I hope you will take a moment to pray for Miranda.

This is a message about a lost friend.
You know she gave right to the end.

This is a world full of foul demons,
Who treat the needy like retarded lesions.

She fought for lost causes at school.
This is a warrior who fought the head-ghoul.

A champion of the weak who saw the meek.
When wrong was right she wielded her might.

Whatever the beast, she feared the least.
Who saw the good, in people who would.

She believed in the voiceless like me.
This is the gift she gave with glee.

This is what Miranda was to me.

When you walk among the voiceless next time,
Expect to receive a blessing down the line,

Because Miranda is watching from the sky above.
Ever asking for you to love.

poem Miranda Posted on 12 August 2019

© Albert Hall 2020