The Hell Earth Blues | Albert Hall

The Hell Earth Blues

The Hell Earth Blues is a song I wrote last year. What I worried about back then was a government that ignored the tragedy of our world dying. In the epidemic we are experiencing now it seems the virus is showing us the madness of doing nothing. I hope you like it.


The water is putrid
And we're the cause
The water is foamin'
From chemical cause

You don't do anything, you are the cause
You don't do anything, you are the cause

Real action is doing something together
Real action is doing something together

Hell on earth is doing nothing
Hell on earth is doing nothing
Do nothing, you fools
You are the cause

The earth is a gem that we need to keep precious
The earth is a gem that we need to keep precious
Doing nothing is the Hell Earth Blues
Doing nothing is the Hell Earth Blues

You can't sing when you're underwater
You can't sing when you're underwater
Underwater is what will happen when we do nothing
Underwater is a fry up from global warming

You can't stop doing something
You can't stop doing something
If something is nothing, then you're a devil
If something is something, then you're a saviour

The Earth is a temple of living animals
The animals are saints in a church of worlds
The world is a God of holy reverence
This is a song of worlds on the edge
The end of the world is the Hell Earth Blues
Hell on Earth is doing nothing
global warming song Posted on 21 April 2020

© Albert Hall 2020