Fuck the Rules | Albert Hall

Fuck the Rules

The reason I haven’t written in a while is because people in powerful places think retards have taken over the school. Quitting writing was not my choice.

Us writing. Writing together

Us writing. Writing together

Dad stopped helping me because rules at school say I am a retard. Lunatics only scream, they don’t write. Taking away my Dad’s trust in me destroyed Dad, not me. Every time Dad tried to write with me I knew he thought it was his voice, not mine.

Teachers followed the rules that writing together was a reaction to false cognition of the child by the parent. Teachers fear powerful people. Out of despair they follow the hopeless rules of idiots.

Real help knows nothing of rules, only true friendship. ​Friends take trust as their rule. Ruling out trust only weakens friendship.

rules trust writing school Posted on 11 June 2018

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