The real error is to treat human speciality as a gift. True heroes become super through doing their upmost to achieve incredible feats of skill. The super heroes we watch on TV are easy winners. Their strength is achieved totally without struggle.
What I take from this is that the reason people like super heroes is because they have given up the struggle to be free. If people looked at their situation and saw how trapped they were then they would start to be heroes for freedom. We are trapped to the comforts of wine and food until there is very little left of our fighting ways.
I hate super heroes with disgust. This is why I burnt a batman t-shirt that my sisters gave me.

Burnt T-Shirt
Do freedom fighters save the government or do they try to save themselves? Get real about who super heroes save when they fight. Real heroes gain respect by fighting for freedom. Super heroes gain respect by saving the government.
I don’t get respect for my special needs. Why should super heroes get respect for their’s when they did nothing to achieve their speciality?