Every word is a struggle

Sunday at the Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

The gallery is very exciting for me because I get to talk art with Dad. ​ At each picture Dad asks me what I think and then I make a comment about the picture on the wall. ​ Rearing up in my mind at the gallery is the sense of ethereal wonder at the world when the artist creates the work of art. ​Wonder is the gift artists give to others by dancing with their hands on the canvas. ... Read more
GOMA art commentary Posted on 27 August 2017 0 Comments


The best way to describe me is to think about what it would be like not to talk. I am fifteen years old and have autism. Everything for me is a struggle. Typing this now is difficult. My father sits beside me and rectifies my precision in striking the keys. ... Read more
Posted on 13 August 2017 0 Comments

Rubbish Air, Rubbish Life

When the world year reached 2011 the population was eight billion people. With this many people our energy output will be intense. Up in the atmosphere all this turbid air takes space away from the great atmosphere that protects us from the radiation of the Sun. Up in space humans need to wear suits to live. If this atmosphere is full of turbid air then we will need suits down here. ... Read more

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